A Learning Manager’s guide to hacking your LMS comparison

Strategic Learning Partner Manager

It’s time to choose your new LMS. You’ve started with the vision 和 worked backwards. You know what you’re looking for. 但 how do you compare all the providers quickly 和 fairly? 如何在嘈杂声中脱颖而出,不仅找到供应商,而且找到合适的合作伙伴?

Enter: the humble spreadsheet. 我在这个过程中开发了一个,并随着时间的推移进行了优化. And now I’m sharing it with you as a template.


Everyone loves a spreadsheet

First, make your own copy of the template.

The first column is where you add the vendors. I added vendors as I ran through the process. 但 you make this spreadsheet work for you!

The top row is where you’ll set your criteria. You’ll have a list of features. Assessing the intangibles, that’s harder. Here’s how I’ve learned to do it.

Stage 1: Set your criteria

Before you book any demos, set the criteria. Consider everything you need from a partner. Ask yourself: what will make this demo successful? 请注意这些. 您可以更改电子表格中的标准,以确保每个问题都有针对性地为学习者选择最好的LMS. Here are the type of questions I need answered:

How easy is the platform to use? 这是直觉吗?? What’s the look 和 feel like? Would a newbie in learning design need a training to use it? How do they sell their own vision? Did they see us as a partner, or just another customer? What’s their Customer Support like? Are they available when we need them? If something crashes, would they prioritize us? Does their mobile learning really work? Can they quantify an increase in knowledge retention? Can they support further courses? We need onboarding now, 但我们明年需要合规培训——这个平台能满足我们的法律需求吗?

Here are some other criteria to consider.


如果你想让你的员工将学习融入到他们的日常生活中,移动用户体验是必须的. 确保您对供应商的移动学习集成交付您所需的结果感到满意.


将LMS集成到现有的技术堆栈中应该可以节省时间 自动化基本任务. 列出您使用的每个平台,并准备好询问代表您需要的每个集成.

Does the LMS integrate with Google Drive 和 Slack? If you’re looking for sales enablement training, does this platform integrate with Salesforce or Snowflake?

Training should solve business needs

Many companies have m和atory training needs. 无论是合规培训,还是财务更新,您的LMS都应该帮助您 remove the administrative burden around allocation, tracking, 和 completion. 如果你有供应商没有列出的需求,不要害怕提出要求. 通过回答这些问题,你将能够完善你的潜在合作伙伴名单.

So now you know exactly what you’re looking for. It’s time to put your questions to the test, 和 meet vendors.

Stage 2: Compatibility check

合适的供应商将与你的愿景和价值观保持一致. 但是,在演示环节中,很容易被技术分散注意力. To avoid getting swept away, 你的准备工作应该包括向销售代表提出问题.

Ask them about the company’s vision 和 values. When the reps talk about their vision, do you feel inspired? 让供应商知道你公司的具体需求. 请他们回应你的需求,并解释他们计划如何帮助你的学习者.

例如, say your legal compliance rests on trackable course rates, 但这些信息在供应商的平台上并不容易获得. Can they make it possible to provide that information? 如果他们现在不能提供,他们准备好与你合作开发平台了吗? Do they have the right team to build it?

如果他们拒绝回答超出常规范围的问题,对我来说这是一个危险信号. 当我进行LMS比较时,我希望有人能真正与我合作. If there’s a refusal at this stage, 我借此机会节省大家的时间,不考虑这家公司.

Stage 3: Out of your head, into a spreadsheet

当你完成演示后,把你的想法写下来. Don’t even stop for a coffee. Go to your spreadsheet 和 honestly answer your criteria. Did the mobile integration really work? Did they treat us like partners, or just another customer? Were they interested in our feedback on their product?

This is when I fill out the free-form pros 和 cons list. 根据我的经验, 从“技术是否代表我们的品牌”到对自己诚实, to ‘is the UX intuitive’, to ‘were the reps friendly?开始发挥作用.

当你捕捉到你的即时反应和感受的细节时, you make your LMS comparison easier. 根据我的经验,您将剩下几个供应商进入下一轮:压力测试.

Stage 4: Stress test the best

对演示之外的学习环境进行压力测试是必要的. 否则你如何理解平台的实际表现? 我们的学习者应该得到一个有效的平台,无论他们的技术设置如何. Ask the vendors if you can create or test a course. 这将使你了解每个学习者的经历.

If I’m happy with how a platform delivers, I'll stress-test it further with my customers (my learners). 我将找到一个业务需求,并尝试通过试用该工具来解决这个问题. 比如说, Business Development needs to scale its Sales Enablement Training. I’ll create a new pathway through the LMS trial. 我将创建课程内容,并要求业务开发使用该平台.

通过解决业务需求来试用平台可以同时解决两个问题. Firstly, it helps Business Development. Secondly, it provides L&D with real data on the platform’s effectiveness. 人力资源将会投入到分享反馈上,因为他们想要一个让他们的工作更轻松的LMS. It’s an absolute win-win.

Stage 5: Time to flex that spreadsheet

唷! It’s a lot - there are so many vendors! You’ve ticked off the companies who wanted to partner with you, 和 the ones whose integrations work with your tech. It’s time to make this very big decision.

Here’s where your spreadsheet flexes its full potential. 你应该有一个通过演示的供应商的“候选名单”, your feature requirements checks, 压力测试. How do you decide between your strongest c和idates?

有了详细的利弊清单,做出最终选择就容易多了. 驱动你做决定的所有数据都在那里——现在只需要选择经验上最适合的.

你是怎么做到的? 很好的问题! 通过评估你在演示后和整个内部产品试用期间写的笔记, you should be able to have clear insight. 例如, 一个平台可能会显示您需要的所有遵从性信息,并提供流畅的内容创建, but their customer service might not meet your criteria. That vendor won’t be a great fit.

If you set out great criteria, 和 have interrogated every step, 您应该能够看到哪个供应商将使您的学习者获得成功.

Show your stakeholders, don’t tell

一旦你做出了你的选择,是时候让其他人加入进来了. 根据我的经验, senior stakeholders are invested in which 我们选择的LMS precisely because it is significant.

有时,这种投资可以通过其他团队的请求发挥作用. 例如,你的CHRO或销售主管收到了来自潜在供应商的电子邮件. 你的同事确信这个供应商是合适的人选. 但, if you’ve already ruled this vendor as unsuitable, this type of interaction can be quite frustrating. This is where your spreadsheet comes in again.

If your reasoning 和 process are visible, 您允许这位同事访问并理解您的流程. 他们可以看到你正在做一个数据驱动的决定——一个与你的组织的愿景和价值观相一致的决定. 这些涉众之间的对话将会更加顺畅,你的努力也将是值得的.

Setting everyone up for success

Selecting an LMS is a complex task. 平衡核心业务需求和学习者的需求是不可能的, all while comparing lists of LMS features. 通过在电子表格中记录你的决策过程,你增加了结构和清晰度. You’re setting both you 和 your learners up for success.


Your ABC guide to the LMS

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