
by Olivia Winkvist, Talent Acquisition & Development Manager @ foodora


Foodora一直在飞速发展,现在拥有7000多名员工. 但是,笨重的LMS需要数小时的内容创建,导致课程几乎没有人上, Foodora需要一个新的端到端平台,可以自动化和增强他们所有的培训.


新员工的入职和培训现在在foodora是自动化的, improving their engagement and completion rates, addressing a large competence gap they were struggling with, 并将员工的专业成长置于员工体验的核心.

“Sana has helped us go from manual, one-size-fits-all onboarding to a fully automated, yet still tailored experience.”

Empowering growth with an innovative learning platform

成长是今天foodora身份的核心部分——不仅对公司,而且对在这里工作的每个人都是如此. 我们希望我们所有的员工回顾他们在foodora的时光, 把它看作是他们成长和发展最快的地方.

But that wasn’t always the case. foodora is a data-driven company, 我们收集的数据很清楚:我们的快速增长导致了一些改进领域.

It wasn’t surprising. When I started in my role a year ago, 我们所有的教育工作都是手工完成的,没有正规化. 公司发展迅速,从几年前的70名员工发展到现在的7名员工,000—because we employ our riders. It’s something we’re really proud of. 瑞典的车手是我们集体谈判协议的一部分, which is negotiated with the Transport Workers' Union.

我们尝试使用另一个LMS,但是它很麻烦、耗时而且难以使用. 因此,在那里举办的任何培训几乎都没有完成. Something needed to change.

我知道我们需要一个端到端的平台来训练我们的7,000 employees in a wide variety of roles—managers, new staff, riders, customer service agents, and pickers in our foodora markets. And it needed to be a solution that our employees wanted to use. We discovered Sana and haven’t looked back.

Producing higher-quality learning experiences, faster

每天,我们都在发现新的方法,让萨那的内容创作更快. For example, I recently started using the AI course generation feature, 我可以上传现有的PDF, Sana将根据文档中的文本生成交互式课程. 能够以这种方式重新利用现有内容是一种节省时间的方法. It takes a lot of the manual workload off our plates.

And we’re not the only ones. 我得到了整个组织的帮助来创建内容. Various departments like commercial, customer service, legal, and logistics are all building and creating so much in Sana. It’s been fun to see other people in the company get so engaged.

Consequently, we’re using Sana for a wide variety of training: workshops, live sessions, learning sessions for the whole company, as well as mandatory courses on topics like GDPR. 但最大的应用是在新员工入职方面——不仅仅是针对所有新员工, but for about 5,000 riders and 500 pickers.

Offering a smooth and cohesive onboarding experience

As a fast-growing company, onboarding is a constant priority. But it hasn’t always been smooth sailing. 在Sana之前,新员工入职培训的质量差别很大,取决于负责培训的经理. 现在我们有信心,每一位新员工都得到了他们应得的foodora体验.

The main reason is the quality of the user experience. Take our onboarding courses. 我们喜欢在我们的入职旅程中制作自定节奏的内容,因为它给新手一种自主的感觉, allowing everyone to move at their own pace. Sana让这些课程更吸引人——你可以很容易地加入像投票这样的互动功能, quizzes, and reflection cards. The experience is never static. On top of this, Sana also makes the experience more personalized. Courses adapt to each person’s knowledge level, 这意味着新员工可以跳过他们已经知道的内容,专注于学习新的内容.

萨那让我们从一种普遍不一致的经历转变为一种标准化的经历, but still inspiring. We’re engaging our new hires in a way we simply couldn’t before. 我感到自豪,因为现在我们正在打造我们一直想要提供的员工体验.


扩大员工入职规模的一个关键因素是自动化. Thanks to Sana’s integrations, 新员工一旦被添加到我们的人力资源管理系统平台,就会自动收到他们的入职旅程. Not only has this saved us a lot of admin time, 它还帮助我们提高了我们的完成率,解决了巨大的能力差距, especially with our pickers.

Pickers are responsible for collecting items in stores. 以前,我们遇到过拣货员选错商品或交付部分订单的问题. With Sana in place, 我们能够启动一个专门的程序来解决这些问题,并将其分配给我们所有的采摘者. They took the courses, 几乎在一夜之间,所有的错误都降到了接近或历史最低水平, their picking speed increased, too!

“Growth is something that’s very important to us. 拥有一个创新的平台,让我们能够创新,专注于增长,这是一个巨大的变化.”

Making Sana the headquarters for professional growth at foodora

合作十八个月了,我们才刚刚开始. 我们计划将Sana集成到组织中尽可能多的部分中. 我的目标是通过这个平台实现尽可能多的培训和入职自动化, like dedicated career paths and other tailored experiences. 并继续我们的工作,添加我们公司的所有信息和数据, so we can use Sana as our knowledge library.

我们甚至会和每个团队坐下来,教他们如何使用这个平台, so managers can take charge of their team’s development. Thanks to Sana’s smart insight and analytics capabilities, 我们很容易跟踪并查看完成了多少门课程, how it’s going for them, and identify where to offer more support.

我们甚至制定了一项目标和关键成果(OKRs)来扩大我们在萨那的教育, 并鼓励整个公司的管理人员更多地使用这个平台. 他们已经付出了很大的努力来构建我们可以通过这个平台提供的东西,因为他们看到了Sana可以做什么. 他们认为,如果他们投入工作,他们以后会节省更多的时间. Together, 我们把员工的专业成长放在公司体验的中心.

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